Write a reflection pon your recent travels to the China/Japan area for Religious News and explain Prime Minister Abe’s tenets of Shintoism, and compare and contrast Chinese religions to Japanese religions.

Upon your recent travels to the China/Japan area for Religious News, you came across the following article that seemed like major news: Holtz, M. (2016). Japanese prime minister, party leaders seek policies that revive Shinto religion. Christian Century, 133(2), p. 16. Retrieved from https://libraryresources.waldorf.edu/login? auth=CAS&url=http://search.ebscohost.com.libraryresources.waldorf.edu/login.aspx? direct=true&db=a9h&AN=112343000&site=ehost-live&scope=site As an up-and-coming reporter, you felt it was a … Read more

The World Economy in Historical Perspective: evaluate the nature and significance of external economic relations for China and India immediately before the emergence of European sea-borne trading links from c.1500.

The World Economy in Historical Perspective •Evaluate the nature and significance of external economic relations for China and India immediately before the emergence of European sea-borne trading links from c.1500. •Discuss how the economies of these regions were affected by the expanding influence of European traders during the three centuries before 1800. And inculde the … Read more

External economic relations:Evaluate the nature and significance of external economic relations for China and India immediately before the emergence of European sea-borne trading links from c.1500.

External economic relations •Evaluate the nature and significance of external economic relations for China and India immediately before the emergence of European sea-borne trading links from c.1500. •Discuss how the economies of these regions were affected by the expanding the regions.

In your view, are Chinese reactions reasonable or unreasonable?how should H&M and some other Western brands handle this PR crisis in China?

Read the article https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/25/business/hm-nike-xinjiang-cotton-boycott-intl-hnk/index.html (Links to an external site.). •In your view, are Chinese reactions reasonable or unreasonable? How should H&M and some other Western brands handle this PR crisis in China? •Should they give in to the Chinese pressure and start to use cotton from Xinjiang? •As a consumer, are you concerned that the … Read more

Early World History: did the area you picked experience variety, diversity of beliefs, and practices?give examples, explaining why or why not there was diversity. Was there a geographic pattern to these differences explain.what role did cities play or not play in your area?

Early World History . Compose a 6-8 page paper focusing on one area of the world that your textbook, The Human Journey, Vol. I A Concise Introduction to World History, by Kevin Reilly, discussed. The seven areas are: The Middle East; Africa; Europe; China; India; the Americas; and Pacific (Polynesia) 1.) Did the area you … Read more

Global Business: what are the similarities and differences between how people communicate in the United States versus communication in China?

Global Business •What are the similarities and differences between how people communicate in the United States versus communication in China? •Discuss how you will avoid the major challenges that may be encountered when communicating with people from that culture.  

Mary Kay Case: Mary Kay President, Asia-Pacific, K. K. Chua, referred to the similarities and differences that he perceives exist between India and China.describe those similarities and differences in the two markets.

Mary Kay Case: Here is the link to the video. Click link and Download https://we.tl/t-ddNbuT7D0K.  Once you have read the article and viewed the video. Based on the information provided in the video case, do you consider Mary Kay to be a global brand? Please explain your point-of-view. xplain the Mary Kay corporate culture, as … Read more

Which elements in terms of narrative story telling devices and themes do they have in common?what does each diary contribute to our historical understanding of their respective plague event?what do plague diaries allow us to see that other kinds of historical sources do not?

Read and complete a historical analysis of excerpts from three plague diaries of eyewitnesses to the Plague of Athens (Thucydides), Black Death in 17th century England (Samuel Pepys) and Covid-19 in 21st century Wuhan, China (Fang Fang). Which elements in terms of narrative story-telling devices and themes do they have in common? What does each … Read more