Should Dawn be forced to settle her claim through arbitration? Why?

Tooter’s and ADR Tooters Restaurant used an alternative dispute resolution program. Employees of Tooters had to sign an “agreement to arbitrate employment-related disputes” to be eligible for raises, transfers, and promotions. Under the agreement, both Tooters and the employee agreed to resolve all disputes arising out of employment, including “any claim of discrimination, sexual harassment, … Read more

The fair and equitable standard gives modern expression to a general principle of due process in its application to the treatment of investors and encapsulates the minimum requirements of the rule of law.” Critically discuss by making reference to relevant case law.

 International Investment Law and Arbitration The fair and equitable standard gives modern expression to a general principle of due process in its application to the treatment of investors and encapsulates the minimum requirements of the rule of law.” Critically discuss by making reference to relevant case law. paper format : Text should be in Times … Read more

Which of the following would you use to settle the dispute between you and Hazel litigation, mediation, or arbitration? Explain why.

Dispute Which of the following would you use to settle the dispute between you and Hazel litigation, mediation, or arbitration? Explain why. Describe each of the three methods (litigation, mediation, and arbitration), supporting your answer with textbook and at least one outside source. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using each of the three … Read more

International Commercial Arbitration: explain and critically assess the interaction among the following:the substantive/governing law of the contract, the seat and the lex arbitri or procedural law of the arbitration.

International Commercial Arbitration Explain and critically assess the interaction among the following:the substantive/governing law of the contract, the seat and the lex arbitri or procedural law of the arbitration. To what extent is the lex arbitri helpful in assisting the parties in devising their procedure for the arbitration and to what extent can it assist … Read more