Reflective Informative Essay : Asess what you have learned in the class about academic research, reading, and writing. Second, it will assess your skill in developing an organized academic essay in APA style.

Reflective Informative Essay Purpose Outcomes Instructions Tips for Success Asess what you have learned in the class about academic research, reading, and writing. Second, it will assess your skill in developing an organized academic essay in APA style. Outcomes Share research about your main topic in a clear manner. Write an essay in clear academic essay format. Instructions … Read more

Cite important text from the article that you believe illustrates a relevant theme or idea.Explain the argument or key idea, use an example and/or a case as-well as an example from our current events in the world.

Critical Response: The Sovereignty of Indigenous People’s Bodies & Chapter 8: Indigenous Queer Normativity. In As We Have Always Done: Indigenous Freedom through Radical Resistance Read Read // Lakhani, N. (2020). Chapter 1: The Counterinsurgency State. In Who Killed Berta Cáceres? Dams, Death Squads, and an Indigenous Defender’s Battle for the Planet Link to download … Read more

Provide an analysis of the video with your personal feelings about the assessment tool , your feelings about others use of the assessment tool , how the assessment tool can serve as a communication tool , how the tool is the same as what was used in your elementary school and how the tool is different.

Reflection Exercise Assessment 1.Above is the link of the video that you need to watch and after write about. 2. Below is a an attachment photo of the instructions on what needs to be included in the 1 page double spaced essay. In the first paragraph explain weather you experienced preparing a similar experience you … Read more

Pick a cultural work from any time period and culture and evaluate how the insights you collected help indicate the value of the object to the culture.

Cultural work Pick a cultural work from any time period and culture and evaluate how the insights you collected help indicate the value of the object to the culture. Prompt After making your selection of a cultural work, consider the items below. Specifically, you should address the following criteria: Describe the selected work. Describe the time period the … Read more

E-commerce businesses : Outline the business and describe the types of products it sells in a brief summary.

E-commerce businesses E-commerce businesses have an obligation to serve their customers with some transparency and ethics. Examine an organization of your choice to evaluate how it addresses ethical concerns. Select 1 of the following imaginary scenarios: Scenario 1: You have an issue with an e-commerce company and question their ethical practices in marketing and selling … Read more

Emotional eating : Can food be addictive?Explain using examples.

Emotional eating. Can food be addictive?Explain using examples. Additional features Draft required 6 pages + well-structured + cited references The work is evaluated according to the following criteria: ● State the problem and the purpose of the work. ● A detailed and reasoned analysis of the scientific literature on the chosen topic corresponding to the … Read more

Contemporary Challenges : Identify and evaluate historical and contemporary issues and their impact on today’s global society.

Contemporary Challenges Identify and evaluate historical and contemporary issues and their impact on today’s global society. Apply appropriate collaborative working practices to manage conflict and support effective decision making. Implement Design Thinking techniques to investigate problems in order to generate and evaluate solutions.