Prepare an 11- to 15-page paper that assesses a legal/ethical issue or situation relating to a current, previous, or potential future work environment.

Prepare an 11- to 15-page paper that assesses a legal/ethical issue or situation relating to a current, previous, or potential future work environment. Use at least 10 scholarly sources that are suitable for research in a graduate-level course. A description of a business situation that presents a legal and ethical issue. The business situation must … Read more

Examine the shortcomings of GDP in measuring a country’s economic health?

Gross domestic product (GDP) is defined as the value of final goods and services that are produced in a country’s territories within a certain time period, usually a year. In your paper, Assess GDP’s importance. Examine the shortcomings of GDP in measuring a country’s economic health? Discuss using GDP to evaluate the business cycle. Examine … Read more

Explain whom might you enlist as partners in planning and implementing programs to achieve desired health outcomes at the community level?why did you select these partners?

Recently, immunizations have become a major topic in health care at the governmental level. Based on community-level data, you have identified the need to increase immunization rates in the refugee and immigrant population in your community. Explain whom might you enlist as partners in planning and implementing programs to achieve desired health outcomes at the … Read more

James Baldwin: discuss how your research expanded your knowledge of the author and their work.

James Baldwin Requirements for the Author Presentation: Your discussion will include insight into the authors’ work based on your analysis, opinion, and research What can you tell the class that will enhance their understanding of the author as well as his/her work? Don’t just report the facts, be able to discuss them in detail Discuss … Read more

Arizona school superintendent calls teacher walkout illegal:Discuss each case and what protections a teacher may have related to each issue. Are the teachers exercising their legal rights in a valid way? Which right(s) may they be covered by if they are?

Protests and Walkouts Each video showcases a disputed issue related to teachers’ rights. In Video 1, a San Francisco, California teacher fights to remove a violent student from her room putting her at risk of losing her job as a first-year teacher in the district. Video – Protest held in San Francisco against policy allowing … Read more

What is the problem being addressed (explain, describe, and “prove” that it exists)that resulted to increasing the use of telehealth in todays healthcare community

Increasing the Use of Telehealth in Todays Healthcare Community The Problem chosen is “Increasing the use of telehealth visits (video/phone doctor visits) in todays healthcare community” After deciding on the problem you wish to tackle, begin building questions about it. Your goal for the analysis is to answer the questions through your sources. Finding multiple … Read more

Theories and Method: propose your own study to answer a specific research question from your chosen field. what is your research question? why is this an important question or area to study? what are two specific stemming from your research question?

Theories and Methods Propose your own study to answer a specific research question from your chosen field. What is your research question? Why is this an important question or area to study? What are two specific stemming from your research question? Finally, discuss the specific research methods needed to answer your research question. Give some … Read more

Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development: explain Kohlberg’s Theory of moral development and all the stages.

Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development Use 500 words and  include at least four scholarly resources correctly cited in APA format. 1.Explain Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development and all the stages. 2. Discuss your own moral decision-making and how it relates to all of Kohlberg’s moral development stages. Please be sure to include all stages. 3. … Read more