Identify and analyze the established values of American society, but to recognize the conflicts that exist in the American value system and the problems this creates for those experiencing contradictions and limitations in the overall values system.

Assignment. Identify and analyze the established values of American society, but to recognize the conflicts that exist in the American value system and the problems this creates for those experiencing contradictions and limitations in the overall values system.

Consider the causes and effects of the new feminism of the late 1960s. What accounts for the feminist movement’s rapid impact on American society? Do you think the “Me Too” Movement is a continuation and broadening of this movement?

Feminism In essay format, answer the questions below: 1. Consider the causes and effects of the new feminism of the late 1960s. What accounts for the feminist movement’s rapid impact on American society? Do you think the “Me Too” Movement is a continuation and broadening of this movement? 2. Can laws ensure sexual equality? Are … Read more

How do income and wealth inequality affect American society ?

How do income and wealth inequality affect American society ? Your answer should be based on the readings below and your own research. . Write a minimum of 1200 words, but no more than 2000 words. Write an introduction, describing and explaining income and wealth inequality in the United States. Describe what impact wealth and … Read more

Discuss the problems and how reformers try to fix them in the american society .How could reformers’ efforts be construed as social control? what roles did women have during the Progressive Era?

Answer the following prompt: During the Progressive Era social reformers attempted to address the many societal problems in American society. Discuss the problems and how reformers try to fix them in the american society .How could reformers’ efforts be construed as social control? What roles did women have during the Progressive Era? Please reference material … Read more

Do you believe that American society continues to uphold the values contained within the Cult of Domesticity? Why or why not? Provide rationale/support for your opinion.

module 3 assignment 1 Summarize the ideology of the Cult of Domesticity. Do you believe that American society continues to uphold the values contained within the Cult of Domesticity? Why or why not? Provide rationale/support for your opinion.