Using what we have learned in the enzyme chapters, give biochemical reasons that would explain why women become more intoxicated than men when consuming an equal amount of alcohol.

Alcohol Certain individuals are more sensitive to alcohol than others. For example, women are more sensitive to alcohol than men—even when body weight and % body fat are taken into account, women become more intoxicated than men consuming an identical amount of alcohol. a. Using what we have learned in the enzyme chapters, give biochemical … Read more

Using a planning framework, design a health promotion intervention for a specific group focused on one of the following topics.

PROMOTING THE LIFETIME HEALTH OF PREGNANT WOMEN AND INFANT IN THE UNITED KINGDOM BY PREVENTING ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION DURING PREGNANCY Using a planning framework, design a health promotion intervention for a specific group focused on one of the following topics: Alcohol or substance use Mental health and wellbeing Nutrition Sexual Health Tobacco use Word Count: 3000 … Read more

The Addicted Brain: Discover why some people are far more susceptible to addiction than others as the author illuminates striking neural similarities between drugs and other pleasures potentially capable of causing abuse or addiction.

The Addicted Brain The Addicted Brain, leading neuroscientist Michael Kuhar, Ph.D., explains how and why this happens–and presents advances in drug addiction treatment and prevention. Using breathtaking brain imagery and other research, Kuhar shows the powerful, long-term brain changes that drugs can cause, revealing why it can be so difficult for addicts to escape their … Read more