Explore the relationship of music to at least three of the decades between the 1960s and today. Discuss high profile events or movements that happened in each of the three decades and for each decade pick a song that personifies or represents the primary “mood” of the decade.

Music and Influence. Write a 3-4 page research essay that addresses the following questions and contexts. Explore the relationship of music to at least three of the decades between the 1960s and today. Discuss high profile events or movements that happened in each of the three decades and for each decade pick a song that … Read more

Froebelian pedagogy : Write an essay focusing on an aspect of Froebelian pedagogy and its links to issues of social justice in early childhood, based on a critical and reflexive engagement with relevant literature, policies and practices.

Froebelian pedagogy Assignment (4000 words) Write an essay focusing on an aspect of Froebelian pedagogy and its links to issues of social justice in early childhood, based on a critical and reflexive engagement with relevant literature, policies and practices. Include a critical discussion of how to challenge discriminatory practices and earlychildhood inequalities and promote a … Read more

Using the articles you have found as well as the documents/essays you analyzed in the Module 1 assignment, prepare an essay of 1,000 to 1,200 words that presents a coherent historical argument with a well-defined thesis, introduction, body, and conclusion.

CHIGAGO STYLE Women’s rights movement in the 1920’s-60’s was the beginning of woman freedom and to be independent. The objective of this paper is to explore the main achievements of the last century in the women rights movement and investigate the struggles and activism they have sustained. Specifically provides information how women in power contribute … Read more

Felix’s interview with Dr. Wanda Barfield show: how does Felix’s activism in the area of maternal health connect with her support for black lives matter?

Felix’s interview with Dr. Wanda Barfield show How do the academic study on the sources page and Felix’s interview with Dr. Wanda Barfield show that the risks faced by women of color are caused by environment, not genetics, such as how the women are disadvantaged in their interactions with doctors? Why is Felix an important … Read more