Culture groups: describe the cultural group you chose to explore and explain why you choose this group.

Culture groups  Describe the cultural group you chose to explore and explain why you choose this group. Read through your field notes and reflect on your experience, telling us what your “observations” have taught you (and can teach us!) about societal structures,norms, expectations, and agents of socialization of the subculture you have chosen to concentrate … Read more

Conspicuous consumption: in what ways do Americans and especially African Americans practice conspicuous consumption?

Conspicuous consumption In what ways do Americans and especially African Americans practice conspicuous consumption? How much, if at all, do you think the amount and forms of conspicuous consumption vary by gender? By race-ethnicity? By class? By region? By age? What are some of the ways that you engage in acts of conspicuous consumption, and … Read more

How do income and wealth inequality affect American society ?

How do income and wealth inequality affect American society ? Your answer should be based on the readings below and your own research. . Write a minimum of 1200 words, but no more than 2000 words. Write an introduction, describing and explaining income and wealth inequality in the United States. Describe what impact wealth and … Read more

CR: what is the importance of theories and theorizing in the field of sociology?

CR There are multiple theories, theorists, and perspectives that are important in the field of sociology. Three of the most important sociological theories are (1) Structural Functionalism, (2) Conflict Theory, and (3) Symbolic Interactionism. In this CR, choose two from these three that appeal to your interests and consider the following questions: What is the … Read more

Write 1,000-1,500 words explaining how each of the two theories that you chose would explain the current event and making an argument for which of the two theories you think provides the best explanation for the event

1. Choose an article from a newspaper, magazine, or news website that was published on or after September 1, 2021. The article should be about a current event. The event can be happening anywhere in the world The article can come from an international news source as long as it is written in English. Pick … Read more

Class, Wealth and Power in Canada: discuss how and why Karl Marx proposed that a socialist and then a communist society is the next mode of production and how Max Weber and Emile Durkheim may agree or disagree with his suggestion.

Class, Wealth and Power in Canada Discuss how and why Karl Marx proposed that a socialist and then a communist society is the next mode of production and how Max Weber and Emile Durkheim may agree or disagree with his suggestion. (1500 words)

A Sociological Analysis of the U.S. Stratification Process: write a conclusion of 350-400 words, explaining how the social institution you chose contributes to the social stratification of the United States for better and for worse.

A Sociological Analysis of the U.S. Stratification Process Write a conclusion of 350-400 words, explaining how the social institution you chose contributes to the social stratification of the United States for better and for worse.  

Undertake a small-scale empirical study, and write up the project methodology.

Undertake a small-scale empirical study, and write up the project methodology. In your written assignment, provide a detailed outline of, and justification for, the methodology and methods employed as well as a reflexive account of the experience of doing the research, making reference to the research methods literature and any appropriate examples of other studies. … Read more