Discuss the differences in the public education systems of the United States and Finland and why Finland has been outperforming the United States in terms of public education.

Public Education in the United States and FInalnd Discuss the differences in the public education systems of the United States and Finland and why Finland has been outperforming the United States in terms of public education.

Child Abuse and Neglect: Complete a Case Study of a child who has experienced abuse and/or neglect.

Case Study – Child Abuse and Neglect Complete a Case Study of a child who has experienced abuse and/or neglect. You are required to read Bastard out of Carolina, written by Ruth Allison. This is a semi–autobiographical account of Ruth Anne Boatwright’s experiences of abuse and neglect. You are strongly encouraged to begin reading this … Read more

Women and Gender Studies: Identify the key developments in third wave feminism with specific focus on sex work, agency, the body, and Butler’s contributions to contemporary discussions on gender performativity.

Women and Gender Studies Select TWO (2) of the following four (4) questions to answer. Each answer should be between 900—1000 words of text (excluding in text citations). Use APA citing. Create one reference page per answer. The reference page should follow each question. Question A: Drawing upon Razack (2009), Jiwani (1999), Jiwani and Young … Read more

Outline the basic concepts in family sociology.Include marriage partnerships as well as the patterns of residence.

Please answer 3 of 5 questions in essay format. Each question should be submitted in a typed, double-spaced format, preferably in a MS Word document. Think of each answer as a short paper that is 250 to 500 words in length (3 to 4 pages). Each answered question is worth up to 25 points. Please … Read more

The Addicted Brain: Discover why some people are far more susceptible to addiction than others as the author illuminates striking neural similarities between drugs and other pleasures potentially capable of causing abuse or addiction.

The Addicted Brain The Addicted Brain, leading neuroscientist Michael Kuhar, Ph.D., explains how and why this happens–and presents advances in drug addiction treatment and prevention. Using breathtaking brain imagery and other research, Kuhar shows the powerful, long-term brain changes that drugs can cause, revealing why it can be so difficult for addicts to escape their … Read more

Sociology: How do you know which items are intended for girls and which for boys? Are there gender-neutral items or non-gendered items?

Sociology How do you know which items are intended for girls and which for boys? Are there gender-neutral items or non-gendered items? What kinds of things do you think clothes and toys teach children about being a boy or a girl, end eventually a man or a woman? What beliefs, values, etc. are boys/girls and … Read more

Canadian Society and Social Justice: Write an academic book review of above books on  Canadian Society and Social Justice.

Canadian Society and Social Justice Review the book: Leanne Betasamosake Simpson, As We Have Always Done: Indigenous freedom through radical resistance, University of Minnesota Press, 2017 Write an academic book review of above books on  Canadian Society and Social Justice. Length: 8–10 pages – 1.5 spaced  Book review structure: 1. Title including complete bibliographic citation … Read more

Social Theory: Provide a brief summary of your understanding of symbolic interactionism, analyzing, in turn, the three premises of this theoretical position as articulated by Herbert Blumer.

Social Theory Provide a brief summary of your understanding of symbolic interactionism, analyzing, in turn, the three premises of this theoretical position as articulated by Herbert Blumer. Connect this to Goffman’s dramaturgical approach; How do the roles, scripts, costumes, and impression management that we use reflect a form of symbolic  interaction. Give an example of … Read more