Select a disabled person and explain the creative advocacy solutions the person’s life gave rise  to create more inclusive and socially just communities nationally and/or inter-nationally.

Personality Profile for a disabled person Select a disabled person for whom you will prepare a personality profile. ● Select a disabled person to profile from: A) disabled persons referenced in the course such as David Lepofsky, Jordan River Anderson, Haben Girma, Judith Heumann, Yetnebersh Nigussie, Leroy F Moore, Tom Shakespeare, Alice Wong, Stella Young, … Read more

Social and Cultural Norms : Argue a pro or con position involving minorities, women, or LGBTQ individuals given an audience with opposing views.

Social and Cultural Norms Argue a pro or con position involving minorities, women, or LGBTQ individuals given an audience with opposing views. Presenting stereotypes of minorities/women/LGBTQ individuals affects viewers’ conceptions of different groups. How do such skewed views affect real-life interactions with members of minority groups? Is there a difference among such genres as comedies, … Read more

Managing international projects : Produce a report that critically discusses the issues that contribute to international projects’ failure and how they can be addressed.

Managing international projects Managing international projects can be both challenging and complex. Many projects fail due to many different reasons. Both the literature and practice indicate that projects fail because of several reasons including issues related to people management. Produce a report that critically discusses the issues that contribute to international projects’ failure and how … Read more

Evaluate the burden of substance abuse among workers and in the workplace generally in America and specifically in the US.

Substance abuse challenge on workers compensation claims in OH. 1. Evaluate the burden of substance abuse among workers and in the workplace generally in America and specifically in the US. 2. Establish through available data the high incidence of substance abuse and the correlation with occupational injuries and fatalities in the workplace, nationally and in … Read more

Sociological Research : Can facts alone provide a basis for Sociological Research ?Explain.

Sociological Research Can facts alone provide a basis for Sociological Research ?Explain. Essay requires 2000 words on the essay question ▪ Unusually wide-ranging reading and understanding of the literature. Must also employ Harvard referencing and ▪ Creative and comprehensive coverage of the issues in relation to the question. ▪ Lucid critical evaluation of the material. … Read more

What are the implications for focusing/not focusing on the story of colonization? For colonization to be the ONLY story in Indigenous lives?

Decolonizing Critical Reflective Analysis (DCRA) – Colonization, Resilience Resurgence • What are the implications for focusing/not focusing on the story of colonization? For colonization to be the ONLY story in Indigenous lives? • Discuss resilience and resurgence at the micro and macro levels? • What are the implications for Indigenous peoples / non-Indigenous peoples to … Read more

Research method : Differentiate between qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research designs.

Research method 1) Differentiate between qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research designs. 2) What are the benefits of each research method? How might each be appropriate in healthcare research and evidence-based management? 3) Provide substantive support of your views and opinions using appropriate research articles. File Links:

Marriage due to your culture and religion : The American culture and legal system generally allow only one type of marriage. What type of bias does this embed in us?

Marriage due to your culture and religion 1) Identify three of your biases on marriage due to your culture and religion. 2) The American culture and legal system generally allow only one type of marriage. What type of bias does this embed in us? 3) The religions that people belong to and practice can also … Read more

Multinational corporation/international company: How does global stratification impact local culture? What are the positive and negative effects?

Multinational corporation/international company. Target a multinational corporation/international company and the practice of “outsourcing” to third world countries. Some examples of MNCs (multinational corporations) would be Nike, General Motors, Ford, Qwest, and Fender Music. Research its effects on local culture. Write a summary and analysis of 500-750 words and include the following: •How does global stratification … Read more

The secularization theory : Is there a “resurgence of religion” in the world as some now argue, or is the current focus on religion and global politics simply a temporary reaction to 9/11 and subsequent events?

The secularization theory. •Is there a “resurgence of religion” in the world as some now argue, or is the current focus on religion and global politics simply a temporary reaction to 9/11 and subsequent events? •Do the arguments that there is a global resurgence of religion reflect actual trends in the world, or is this … Read more