Masters of Money Karl Marx : What is the “industrial reserve army of labour”?How is “globalization” explained and understood in the documentary

Masters of Money Karl Marx Description Summarize what the documentary “BBC Masters of Money Karl Marx HD” is all about in the first paragraph. Link to youtube: In the rest of the response paper, you need to very briefly focus on the following issues raised in the documentary: What is the “industrial reserve army … Read more

The Freedom Convoy : Compare and contrast Durkheim’s views on crime and punishment with the political economy approach. Which approach best explains this event? What are the limitations of each approach? Ultimately, what is the most appropriate response, if any, to the protest on the part of the federal government?

The Freedom Convoy In January 2022, thousands of protestors dubbed “The Freedom Convoy” descended upon Ottawa to protest all Covid-19 restrictions. Thousands of truck trailers shut down the city core. How are we to characterize this group of protestors? Compare and contrast Durkheim’s views on crime and punishment with the political economy approach. Which approach … Read more

Social Theory and the Nacirema : Write a 3-4-page paper analyzing how sociologists from all three theoretical perspectives i.e conflict, functionalist, and symbolic interaction would interpret Nacirema society. Illustrate your essay with specific examples from the text.

Social Theory and the Nacirema Write a 3-4-page paper analyzing how sociologists from all three theoretical perspectives i.e conflict, functionalist, and symbolic interaction would interpret Nacirema society. Illustrate your essay with specific examples from the text.

Ethnocentrism : Have you seen signs of increasing diversity in your community.How does this reading connect to cultural relativism and ethnocentrism?

Ethnocentrism Read: Reflecting a demographic shift, 109 U.S. counties have become majority nonwhite since 2000 Answer the following: Have you seen signs of increasing diversity in your community.How does this reading connect to cultural relativism and ethnocentrism? Using your sociological perspective, what do you think are the short-term and long-term effects of these demographic changes? … Read more

Data Analysis : Using NVivo analyze the transcriptions of the interviews collected from the pilot study and write an academic journal based on the data analysis.

Data Analysis An academic article/journal analysis data collected from five semi-structured interviews on the impact that COVID-19 has had on pastoral caregivers. The method of analysis is qualitative and the word count is 5000. Using NVivo analyze the transcriptions of the interviews collected from the pilot study and write an academic journal based on the … Read more

Poverty : Compose a short essays addressing frameworks for analyzing social problems or social problems.

Poverty. Compose a short essays addressing frameworks for analyzing social problems or social problems. In the essay include: a. Define or summarize the social problem. b. Identify credible social science data that helps to understand what the problem is about or the larger implications of the problem. c. Identify a sociological theory that helps explain … Read more

Trends in Dating and Mate Selection : Compare and contrast the dating trends in the articles to current dating and mate selection trends.

Trends in Dating and Mate Selection. Search online magazine or newspaper archives and find three articles, each written in different decades (between the 1950s and now), that describe dating and mate selection issues during those decades. Citing three to five scholarly sources from the GCU library, design a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following: Explain … Read more