Write a journal (private) reflection after going through the Bystander Intervention PowerPoint.

Write a journal (private) reflection after going through the Bystander Intervention PowerPoint. Please go through the presentation, making sure to watch each of the clips that are embedded into the PowerPoint and then enter your journal response to the posted journal reflection questions. PowerPoint: Below is a PowerPoint that has five embedded video clips. The … Read more

Does extended mimicry result then in a loss of self-identity (or maybe lowered self-esteem)?

Does mimicry result in loss of self-identity? Research suggests that social exclusion increases mimicry, perhaps as a means to illicit integration back into the group. Does extended mimicry result then in a loss of self-identity (or maybe lowered self-esteem)? Possibly also question if inclusion gained from mimicry post-exclusion will result in lowered tendencies to mimic … Read more

Create a pamphlet that explains to its residents about migration patterns or territorial behavior of a local endemic species.

@five-Pr-oj@ Students will chose from one of the following creative project scenarios. No more than two (2) students can choose a given project. Students will choose their project in a randomized order. In addition to completing the creative portion of the project, you must write up an accompanying two (2) page paper,1–summarizing the information in … Read more

Observe an infant/child in his or her naturalistic setting, apply relevant theoretical concepts learned in class, and critique the theory or theories from which you obtained concepts.

**Note that the description says to observe a child however attacked in the uploaded files with be YouTube videos from a daycare that can be watched. I will also include the links here as well.** This is directly from the professor: This assignment affords you the opportunity to observe an infant/child in his or her … Read more

Describe the biological, psychological, and social development of the child citing examples from your observations or interactions.

This assignment affords you the opportunity to observe an infant/child in his or her naturalistic setting, apply relevant theoretical concepts learned in class, and critique the theory or theories from which you obtained concepts. Choose an infant/child who is accessible to you. However, do not use your own infant/child or sibling because it is too … Read more