Euro politics paper-Outline the position of the government of Teresa May on Brexit and explain the debates within the Tory Party on the issue.

Euro politics paper What is a Tory? In answering this question, you must cite the readings from Samuel Beer and Philip Norton. What is the Tory position on Brexit? Outline the position of the government of Teresa May on Brexit and explain the debates within the Tory Party on the issue.

Do you believe more in judicial activism or judicial restraint and why?

The US Court system has changed greatly over the 225 years of our history. Swinging from pro to anti-business and back against. Limiting rights, expanding rights, and limiting again. Looking at the US system and judicial systems around the world how would you change the judicial system to make it more effective? Think about protecting … Read more

Compare, contrast, and evaluate Plato and Aristotle on Democracy.

Prompt: Compare, contrast, and evaluate Plato and Aristotle on Democracy Democracy. Is democracy really the best regime (as we are likely to think)? Why or why not? Advice: •Your first and most important task in this essay is to demonstrate that you understand Plato and Aristotle. You will need to reconstruct their arguments in your … Read more

Discuss the candidates’ views on key issues, how the campaign was waged (i.e. was there a vicious ad campaign?

Due: Sunday 4/4, at 11:59 pm no exceptions. You are required to submit this assignment electronically via Module (as a word document), though this assignment submission tool. If you think you will have trouble turning the assignment in on April 4th, then turn it in early. Remember, you have been warned. This assignment will be … Read more