Demonstrate an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of government organizations in the society.

Term Paper Proposal Demonstrate: 1. An understanding of the structure of public organizations and agencies; 2. An understanding of the roles and responsibilities of government organizations in society; 3. An insight into the workings of public agencies; and 4. An ability to research and analyze topics of public administration. This paper should be double spaced, … Read more

Consider the struggle for the right to vote for women through the documentary films below, and why it took so long for women to gain suffrage in the United States? How were they finally able to get the vote? What other rights were denied to women? What was the reasoning behind the anti-suffrage views?

Women’s voting right. Consider the struggle for the right to vote for women through the documentary films below, and why it took so long for women to gain suffrage in the United States? How were they finally able to get the vote? What other rights were denied to women? What was the reasoning behind the … Read more

How does the 2020 presidential campaign compare to past campaigns in American history? Is the growing partisan divide anything to be concerned about? Why or why not?

The Enduring Democracy. Many Americans have a growing concern about the health of the American political system due to the heightened partisan divisions between Democrats and Republicans, especially during the 2020 presidential campaign. How does the 2020 presidential campaign compare to past campaigns in American history? Is the growing partisan divide anything to be concerned … Read more

The bourgeoisie, historically, has played a most revolutionary part. Why and in what ways did Marx consider capitalism to be ‘revolutionary’?

Revolutionary The bourgeoisie, historically, has played a most revolutionary part. Why and in what ways did Marx consider capitalism to be ‘revolutionary’? Discuss Marx’s views on capitalism and argue for and against to 2500 words with intro and conclusion.

Did the government responded sufficiently in order to carry out the duties of its responsibility towards its citizens. Are you satisfied with the federal government’s initial and current response to the pandemic? Explain.

The United States is currently emerging from a pandemic. Did the government responded sufficiently in order to carry out the duties of its responsibility towards its citizens. Are you satisfied with the federal government’s initial and current response to the pandemic? Explain. Formatting: 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, double-spaced.