Write an essay where you connect Langston Hughes’ poem “Tired” to the economic facts listed below his poem.

English Department Final Exam Fall 2021 Due Date: By the end of Friday, Dec. 17 In the early 1930s, the poet Langston Hughes wrote a poem called “Tired,” in which he said: I am so tired of waiting, Aren’t you, For the world to become good And beautiful and kind? Let us take a knife … Read more

Narcissistic abuse in the United States: How can this type of abuse affect you emotionally and physically?

Narcissistic abuse in the United States. I. How can this type of abuse affect you emotionally? Individuals who suffer from Narcissism or sociopathy tend to talk to their victims using gaslighting. A. Specific quotation from X source B. Explanation of the source/Evidence explanation/ compare with life experience II. How can this type of abuse affect … Read more

Compare and contrast the grandmother in “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” and Mathilde in “The Necklace,” paying particular attention to theme as well as setting and/or characterization, and make an argument about the pitfalls of pride.

Compare and contrast the grandmother in “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” and Mathilde in “The Necklace,” paying particular attention to theme as well as setting and/or characterization, and make an argument about the pitfalls of pride. Your essay should be between 750-1000 words and adhere to MLA formatting. It needs to quote directly … Read more

How is the imagery of light and darkness used throughout Oedipus the King?  How is it related to Oedipus’ blindness?

Choose one of the following topics, and write a well-organized essay of approximately 500 words.  Do NOT do any research.  Do NOT look at anything on the Internet.  This essay must contain only your original ideas and words.    After choosing a topic, go back to the text, and study through it carefully.  Find pertinent quotations … Read more

Social Work Generalist intervention Model: There are several steps in the Generalist Intervention Model. Develop a client case scenario explaining all seven steps in your scenario.

Social Work Generalist intervention Model * Double space, 12 pt. font, and refer to each question for length of essay response 1. There are several steps in the Generalist Intervention Model. Develop a client case scenario explaining all seven steps in your scenario. Your response should also include a professional role of the social worker, … Read more

Gage v. New Amsterdam Brewery: Is Gage entitled to workers’ compensation benefits? Explain.

Gage v. New Amsterdam Brewery Adam Gage worked for the New Amsterdam Brewery for four years, from 2015-2019. Although Gage was not an alcoholic when he began his employment, the condition developed during the time he worked at the brewery and he became unable to work in 2019. Gage contends that he is entitled to … Read more

Write an essay of approximately 500 words about the positive and/or negative ways the COVID-19 pandemic has affected you.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has caused hardship for both children and adults, the pandemic has also brought families closer and made some people appreciate what they might have taken for granted before the pandemic. Children miss playing with their friends, going to a movie, etc. Adults, of course, face more serious hardships from losing their … Read more