What is the most striking image in this poem? What sort of voice does the rhythm suggest?

“This Be The Verse” Text online here: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/48419/this-be-the-verse (Links to an external site.) / This Be The Verse.pdf download Hear Larkin read his poem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rjRYSfCJvM (Links to an external site.) As always, do a little pre-reading and contextualizing. Then come to the board, and discuss! One comment, one response. What is the most striking image … Read more

What are the major mechanisms of solid state diffusion?

What are the major mechanisms of solid state diffusion? What is carburizing process? Its purposes? What is decarburizing? What is case hardening? What is the major driving force for atomic diffusion? What is diffusion flux? How is it calculated? What is steady–state diffusion? Fick’s first law? What is non steady–state diffusion? Fick’s 2ndlaw? Do you … Read more

Compare and contrast at least two creation accounts.

Creation stories are the oldest known myths that a culture has to offer. By examining creation stories, we also examine the beginnings of literary traditions. Every culture has a unique creation story. Most creation stories come from oral traditions and predate the periods in which they were written–and in some cases by ten thousand years … Read more

Conduct library research to find at least two additional outside sources that add to the “conversation” you defined in last unit’s essay.

Conduct library research to find at least two additional outside sources that add to the “conversation” you defined in last unit’s essay. These sources should provide additional context to your argument, and help you make your claims in a more effective manner. Decide how to include these new sources into a new version of Essay … Read more

Identify at least two key issues or questions that are particularly problematic or controversial or striking or worthy of exploring. 

Synthesizing Three Movie Reviews of Jay Roach’s “Bombshell” (2019) This discussion will help you develop the skills you need to synthesize several sources together.  Here’s what you’ll need to do. Read any three (3) of the four articles listed below on the Movie Reviews of Jay Roach’s “Bombshell” (2019) Kenneth Turan,Review: Based on the real-life drama … Read more

 How has the writer improved, or changed, the material from the Four-Source Essay to the Six-Source Essay?

How has the writer improved, or changed, the material from the Four-Source Essay to the Six-Source Essay? The new sources serve to emphasize the writer’s point that… A paragraph section of the Six-Source Essay where synthesis needs to be improved, and add an appropriate transitional phrase/sentence. (Hint: you might refer to paragraph 3.) Consider the … Read more

Examine the effect of drug use during pregnancy on the development of the fetus.

Impact of Drugs on the Fetus Drugs play a central role in improving human health and promoting well being. However, these have to be safe, efficient, and used rationally to produce the desired effect. Others are used for pleasure, and these are dangerous to anyone since they can be addictive. Women are advised not to … Read more