What is the difference between Presidential Reconstruction and Radical Reconstruction?

What was the Reconstruction Period and what were the overall goals and objectives? What is the difference between Presidential Reconstruction and Radical Reconstruction? Why do you think there was a disagreement on how the North was going to handle the South after the war? What were the gains that African Americans made during Reconstruction? Do … Read more

Columbine discussion:Discuss the Columbine myths. How did the media get it so wrong?

Columbine discussion Do the psychological designations of psychopathy or depression make either killer more or less culpable? Why does Cullen focus on the victims as much as the killers? How does that differ from ICB? What effects might Cullen’s focus on the after math have on you as a reader Discuss the Columbine myths. How … Read more

Proposal Paper:How should the United States deal with international travelers from areas ravaged by Ebola?

Proposal Paper Write a proposal paper in: Which you attempt to limit the outsourcing of jobs to foreign countries. Which you attempt to deal with the problem of undocumented workers. What can be done to prevent human trafficking? How can we handle the problem of data mining, or the fact that our social profile is … Read more

What explains Art Spiegelman’s depiction of Jews as mice, Germans as cats, and Poles as pigs? What is the effect of this characterization?

During the Holocaust, the Germans described the Jews as rats, a pestilence in civilized cities. What explains Art Spiegelman’s depiction of Jews as mice, Germans as cats, and Poles as pigs? What is the effect of this characterization?

Determine the average modulus of elasticity for the rubber specimen based on the curve in Figure 1. The average modulus of elasticity should be the slope of the best-fit straight line through data points in Figure 1.

Stress Concentration Experiment Complete the section of specimen dimensions. Carry out calculation and complete section I of data sheet. Plot Figure 1: A curve of stress vs. strain using the calculated data in Section I of data sheet. Determine the average modulus of elasticity for the rubber specimen based on the curve in Figure 1. … Read more

Discuss Mark Twain’s quote “unlimited power is the ideal thing” as written in his book titled, A Connecticut Yankee in the Court of King Arthur.

Mark Twain Discuss Mark Twain’s quote “unlimited power is the ideal thing” as written in his book titled, A Connecticut Yankee in the Court of King Arthur. What is his reasoning behind the quote and provide analysis as to why the reasons may be credible or not. What other concepts or interpretations can be implied … Read more