Columbine discussion:Discuss the Columbine myths. How did the media get it so wrong?

Columbine discussion

Do the psychological designations of psychopathy or depression make either killer more or less culpable?

Why does Cullen focus on the victims as much as the killers? How does that differ from ICB? What effects might Cullen’s focus on the after math have on you as a reader

Discuss the Columbine myths. How did the media get it so wrong?

Do you think they would make the same errors today?How should the press cover events like Columbine?

How did Capote and Cullen’s approaches to researching their stories parallel and how do they differ? What advantages lie in either approach?

Compare In Cold Blood’s Dick and Perry to Columbine’s Eric and Dylan. What similarities and differences do you find?

Looking at Columbine and In Cold Blood, what lessons can we learn about crime, violence, and the criminal justice system?