Define and calculate the six major cost elements of a business, when given the total costs and the quantity produced.

Cost elements of a business Define and calculate the six major cost elements of a business, when given the total costs and the quantity produced. Use the computed costs to determine a minimum cost output level for that business. Clearly explain how the average total cost of a new output level is affected by its … Read more

What is the basic structure of our system and how does it compare to other industrialized nations in terms of outcomes and costs?

Healthcare in the United States One of the most critical and hotly debated industries in the United States is healthcare. For this paper, you will examine the state of health care in the United States. As a starting point, you should read chapter 24 of the text and then after conducting your own research (5 … Read more

Plot the real GDP for the country of your choice over time and add an exponential trend line with its equation, which reflects the potential GDP. Analyze briefly your graph highlighting periods of recession and expansions, as well as finding the long run economic growth rate.

Excel Assignment For all the tasks below only use quarterly or yearly data for at least 30 years. 1. (2 marks) Plot the real GDP for the country of your choice over time and add an exponential trend line with its equation, which reflects the potential GDP. Analyze briefly your graph highlighting periods of recession … Read more

Write a 2500 words using theoretical or empirical analysis on why the federal minimum wage has not changed since 2009, while due to inflation the cost of living has increased.

The effect minimum wage has on US economy. Write a 2500 words using theoretical or empirical analysis on why the federal minimum wage has not changed since 2009, while due to inflation the cost of living has increased. From 1938 when minimum wage was first set till now , explain how it affected the economy … Read more

Describe the business cycle, identify the primary measure of unemployment and define “full employment”, identify the primary measure of inflation and distinguish between demand-pull and cost-push inflation.

Gross Domestic Product, Economic Growth, and Unemployment Define Gross Domestic Product (GDP),identify the four expenditure categories in the equation GDP = C + I + G + Xn and identify the measurement and sources of economic growth. Describe the business cycle, identify the primary measure of unemployment and define “full employment”, identify the primary measure … Read more

How did COVID-19 impact consumer and business confidence among the world’s largest economies?

Macroeconomic Analysis of a Pandemic – COVID-19, Economic Growth, and Unemployment. The COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on the global economy in an unparalleled fashion. Each step of this three-part core assessment will challenge you to apply key macroeconomic theory concepts to this real-world case study (that we all lived through). In this unit, you are … Read more

Demonstrate an understanding of the impact on the entire economy, based on any changes in taxes required, if the government is to purchase any extra product that is not sold to consumers.

Competitive market In a scenario in which a government tries to improve the financial position of the sellers, in such a perfectly competitive market, by instituting a legal price floor that is significantly above the equilibrium price. A price floor is the lowest price for which a seller can legally sell the product. Calculate the … Read more

In recent years there has been much discussion about how and how quickly the Fed may begin reducing the size of its balance sheet. What is the Fed’s balance sheet? What’s your take? Should the balance sheet be smaller?

Econ Dis Since the 2007 financial crisis the Fed’s portfolio of Treasury and mortgage-backed securities has grown tremendously, from $900 billion to more than $8 trillion today. In recent years there has been much discussion about how and how quickly the Fed may begin reducing the size of its balance sheet. What is the Fed’s … Read more

Sachs describes eight major problem areas that prevent economic growth . Mention one that seems most urgent in our modern times. Why? Explain.

Problems Preventing Economic Growth Read and discuss excerpts on Sachs “The End of Poverty Chapter 3 Why Some Countries Fail to Thrive” All page numbers refer to the 2006 paperback edition. Sachs describes eight major problem areas that prevent economic growth . Mention one that seems most urgent in our modern times. Why? Explain.