Commensalism: find an example of commensalism and describe the relationship between the two organisms. Give three examples to describe the benefits and limitations of the relationship. show an image to illustrate the relationship.

All organisms within an ecosystem participate in relationships with other organisms. Some relationships benefit the organisms and are essential for both species to survive. Others are detrimental (negative) to one organism, but critical for the other organism. Symbiosis and mutualism are not the same thing! Symbiosis is defined as any long-term relationship between two or … Read more

Write a 350- to 700-word analysis of of the following corrective actions taken by the Federal Reserve as a result of the crisis: quantitative easing,purchase of toxic assets from financial institutions and paying interest on reserve balances

Federal Reserve and the Great Recession Analysis Use the following topic related to the Great Recession: Subprime mortgages and derivatives, bailout of FNMA, Freddie Mac and AIG Write a 350- to 700-word analysis of  of the following corrective actions taken by the Federal Reserve as a result of the crisis: Quantitative easing Purchase of toxic … Read more

Tariffs and quotas: compare the short term impact and long term impact on jobs based on steel and aluminum tariffs?

Tariffs and quotas Research tariffs on tires and steel, and aluminum.  Compare the short term impact and long term impact on jobs based on steel and aluminum tariffs?    What impact has the tire tariff have on the economy overall? In your opinion, is the tariff effective in changing the economic performance of a country?

Explain how united states government reacted to COVID-19?

Federal Government Responses to COVID-19  Students conduct a policy research paper on how the United States Government reacted and dealt with the outbreak of COVID-19 and its devastating effects on human and economic costs.  Your research consists of looking into HOW the President of the federal government and the Federal Reserve Chairman used their institution to help peoples in … Read more

“Markets Don’t Work for Everything download” by Noah Smith: describe the reason for creating a market in the first place?

 “Markets Don’t Work for Everything download” by Noah Smith   Read the article and use it as a starting point for issues thinking about markets being pushed to fix all social problems .   After reading please develop a brief (1250 word minimum; points will be deducted for not meeting this requirement) essay (typed and … Read more

Define biodiversity and state its importance

Focus on one concept that is studied regularly in ecology and has become very important in both economics and the sustainability of our planet: biodiversity. In order to understand the significance of economic principles in the biodiversity of our world, you must first understand what biodiversity describes. The following overview of biodiversity was adapted from … Read more

Compose a 250 word (max) discussion of if and how you could use a market-based solution (similar to the one in the video) to align incentives to correct the externality in your community.

Step 1. Please watch the TED talk by Rob Harmon discussion about markets helping keep streams in Montana flowing (Duration – 8 minutes 47 seconds) Rob Harmon TED talk (Links to an external site.) Step 2. Virtually explore your own neighborhood, town, or city and find an example of a negative externality. Step 3. Tell … Read more

Explain the effects of covid 19 on Global economy

Global Economic Effects of Covid-19 crisis. The paper must have the following: a.Title Page. b.Introduction c.Causes of the Covid-19Pandemic Crisis d.Comparison of Covid-19 Crisis and 2008 crisis e.Economic impacton United States economy f.Economic impact on developed and major economies g.Policy responses in United States –Fiscal Policy and Monetarypolicy h.Policy responses in Europe, Japan,China, Germany,and Italy … Read more

How can this be explained using the demand and supply framework?

Description Further guidance and elaboration: For your chosen area comment on what is currently happening in the market and why. How can this be explained using the demand and supply framework? Describe and explain what has happened in the recent past and what is likely to happen in the near future in terms of the … Read more