Describe the standard equipment and material set up for an adult patient on a morning operating list who has a change of an aesthetic plan at short notice.

Describe the standard equipment and material set up for an adult patient on a morning operating list who has a change of an aesthetic plan at short notice. Explain the importance of adequate preparation of the clinical area with rationale, and the potential risk that can arise when an aesthetic plans are changed.  

What are some details you would need to take into consideration when designing a health promotion program for older adults in this population?

Gero 4. Chose one of the groups below and discuss: What are some details you would need to take into consideration when designing a health promotion program for older adults in this population? How would you address these details/issues? Choose One: Urban Setting Rural Setting Racial Minorities (be specific on the minority group you are … Read more

Cite a theory or philosophy from Ethics Theory and Contemporary Issues 9th Edition by Barbara Mackinnon and Andrew Fiala. Briefly summarize the story and explain the moral or ethical issue/dilemma and how it relates to an ethical theory, principle, and concept or code in the course text. Make connections between theoretical concepts of ethics and real-world events in the news. Cite a theory or philosophy from Ethics Theory and Contemporary Issues 9th Edition … Read more

List and provide examples of ways that dramatic play and role-playing contribute to healthy development. Identify 2 tools and techniques the teacher in the video uses to teach the students about emotions. Why do you think these tools and techniques are effective ways to help students understand emotions? List and provide examples of ways that dramatic play and role-playing contribute to healthy development. Imagine a scenario where a teacher … Read more

In 750-900 words, identify and discuss one area (race, gender, sexuality, class, immigration) where you have been stronger in your cultural awareness.

In 750-900 words, identify and discuss one area (race, gender, sexuality, class, immigration) where you have been stronger in your cultural awareness. Identify and discuss one area of cultural oppression (racism, classism, sexism, hetero-sexism, anti-immigration) where you have been weaker in your cultural awareness. How you have contributed to prejudice and oppression in this area, … Read more

What did Walker and Garnet find most horrific about slavery, and how did they want enslaved people to respond to their conditions?

Writing Assignment On David Walker’s Appeal and Henry Highland Garnet’s “An Address to the Slave’s of the United States”. Compare and contrast the two documents, examining how each author depicted slavery, and what solutions they offered for liberation. What did Walker and Garnet find most horrific about slavery, and how did they want enslaved people … Read more