In depth Research: State the sources used in-depth research and in each source stated,explain briefly.

In depth Research Requirements and Tips for Success Find the following four sources between two in-depth research : one non-fiction book, in either print or e book form, from the SBCC Luria Library that is not a reference book or textbook; one full-text peer-reviewed scholarly article from a library database; one visual media source such … Read more

Define the selected action research process based on the action Research Case Study and Identify the intervention type selected in the  intervention selection and application assignment

Creating an Organizational Development Proposal Consider that you have been hired as a consultant to help the organization with the change challenge.Introduce the overall purpose of the project as related to organizational development and change challenges. Section 1 Summarize the Action Research Case Study . Justify why it is a problem and the type of … Read more

Explain the variability of quasi contract recovery among the states .using,

Sometimes, common law varies slightly from state to state. Find out whether the common law, as to when a person can recover using quasi contract, varies among the states in your region. Using, , or the search engine of your choice, locate one case in your current state and one case in three … Read more

. Emotional intelligence.Abraham, J., & Scaria, J: Explain what the article is about ?write a summary of the article

Abraham, J., & Scaria, J . Emotional intelligence: The context for successful nursing leadership: A literature review. Nursing & Care Open Access Journal Explain what the article is about ? write a summary of the article If a research article, the research questions, method of study, & findings of the study Information that most resonated … Read more

Schweitzer, D., Chianello, T., & Kothari, B. Compensation in social work: list and explain themes and content areas explored?

Schweitzer, D., Chianello, T., & Kothari, B. Compensation in social work: Critical for satisfaction and a sustainable profession. Administration in Social Work, 37(2), 147-157. Introduction What was the purpose of the study? What was the need or rationale for this particular study? Literature Review What types of sources were used in the literature review? List … Read more

Explain  the risks of virtual teams

Explain  the risks of virtual teams. Specifically, internationalization and localization. Localization entails customization related to: Numeric, date and time formats Use of currency Keyboard usage Collation and sorting Symbols, icons and colors Text and graphics containing references to objects, actions or ideas which, in a given culture, may be subject to misinterpretation or viewed as … Read more

How much does personal developmental history affect one’s moral behavior, and how can individuals overcome bad upbringing?

First, read attached “Shame”, by Dick Gregory. (DO NOT answer the questions for “Shame” – they precede your essay to help with your focus.) Then, write a researched-supported paper  (at least two sources), MLA-styled,  1,000-2,500 word essay, using at least two quotes from sources for support on the one of these inquiries (beware reliance on personal anecdotes) — 1) How … Read more

Discuss the evolution of the five traditional institutions ;family, religion, politics, economics, and education between 1820 and 1860 and their importance in the period before 1860.

The five traditional institutions are family, religion, politics, economics, and education. Discuss their evolution between 1820 and 1860 and their importance in the period before 1860. Remember this was a period of significant growth and changes in  culture. Each of these institutions experienced growth in importance in the society and as part of the ‘American … Read more

CNN Cold War Video: who were some of the main political and historical personalities being featured? And what role did the United States have in these episodes?

The Cold War CNN Cold War Video in 1998 In terms of the content of the review, there are three aspects to discuss: First provide summaries of each episode. What are the topics being covered in each episode? Who were some of the main political and historical personalities being featured? And what role did the … Read more