Post one thread of at least 300–400 words.

Discussion Assignment Instructions
The discussion assignments are meant to foster a spirit of community and collegiality; but you must also view these as academic assignments with formal requirements. To this end, please follow these guidelines:
Your posts must demonstrate comprehension of the assigned readings. In your threads for all discussions, you must refer specifically—through paraphrase, summary, or quotation—to content from the readings. Your use of the assigned readings must not be mechanical; rather, you must use the readings strategically, and you must comment on the material that you have cited. You must make sure that your in-text citations and bibliographic information are accurate and complete, in accordance with the style sheet you have chosen (MLA or APA).
You are expected to read the posts of your classmates and select 2 to respond to in a specific and positive way. Keep in mind that these questions are for discussion precisely because there may be no clear-cut, “correct” answers.
Your thread must be approximately 300–400 words. Your replies must be 150–250 words and are due the following module/week. You must submit at least 2 replies.
Students will complete three Discussions in this course. The student will Post one thread of at least 300–400 words. The student must then post 2 replies of at least 150–250 words. For each thread, students must show evidence of comprehension of the materials in the assigned readings through argument. Mere agreement or disagreement is not sufficient. Arguments must be presented in answer to the questions posed. In replying, it is expected that you will read the posts of the other members of the class and reply to 2 posts in a detailed and constructive way. Remember, these questions are for discussion precisely because there may be no clear-cut, correct answers. Any sources cited must be in MLA or APA format.