What is the illustrator attempting to say about slavery? Is this cartoon a factual and accurate description of slavery?

Essays should range in the 350 to 500 word length. They should have three to five paragraphs with an introduction and thesis, a body of evidence that proves the thesis, and a conclusion. Review the rubric for guidance on this essay. Always cite your sources, both in your essay and in a bibliography at the end of your essay. You may cite in APA, MLA, or Chicago style.

Review this cartoon:

Proslavery Cartoon, 1850

What is the illustrator attempting to say about slavery? Is this cartoon a factual and accurate description of slavery? Why would the illustrator do this? Who benefited from this portrayal of slavery?

Today, we see similar false statements made about immigrants, especially “illegal” immigrants. Who benefits from creating and telling stories that are not true to the public?

How is fear used to control citizens?