Introduce a bioproduct to the public, and explain why they should care.

Create a fact sheet for the general public of the United States about a biomass-based product.


You have learned a lot in this course about biorenewable resources and the products that we make from them. Hopefully, you have an understanding of how products derived from biomass typically have less of an environmental impact than those derived from mineral resources. In this assignment, your job will be to introduce a bioproduct to the public, and explain why they should care. You will need to carefully consider everything you have learned and how you would explain it to someone without a science/environmental background.

Assignment Overview
Your task is to create a fact sheet for the general public of the United States about a biomass-based product. A quick Google search on bioproducts or plant-based products should give you some ideas on what to do your fact sheet on. The diagram at the beginning of L18 may also help inspire ideas.