The Freedom Convoy : Compare and contrast Durkheim’s views on crime and punishment with the political economy approach. Which approach best explains this event? What are the limitations of each approach? Ultimately, what is the most appropriate response, if any, to the protest on the part of the federal government?

The Freedom Convoy

In January 2022, thousands of protestors dubbed “The Freedom Convoy” descended upon Ottawa to protest all Covid-19 restrictions. Thousands of truck trailers shut down the city core.

How are we to characterize this group of protestors?

Compare and contrast Durkheim’s views on crime and punishment with the political economy approach. Which approach best explains this event? What are the limitations of each approach? Ultimately, what is the most appropriate response, if any, to the protest on the part of the federal government?

Below is a link to a CBC news item, but feel free to use other sources if you wish.

Please quickly review the essay rubric before completing one of the following essays. While the events in question are important, please focus on the theory in question and demonstrate an understanding of Garland’s review of each approach.