Write a structured abstract for a quantitative evaluation of an educational program or policy in pairs.

Write the proposal based on the file I provide: Grant proposal pitch/feedback/proposal template/proposal example/reference1/reference 2. You can add as more references as you need.
Overview: Write a structured abstract for a quantitative evaluation of an educational program or policy in pairs. a grant proposal detailing a plan to evaluate the impact of an educational policy or program,
A template for the structured abstract, as well as a sample abstracts, are available. Each project will include the following sections (which may be combined or reordered if appropriate), in 4 single-spaced pages, with 12 point Time New Roman font and 1-inch margins (bibliography and tables/figures may be included on top of this limit):
• Background/context
• Purpose/objective/research question/focus of the study
• Setting
• Population/participants/subjects
• Intervention/program/practice
• Data and analysis (include proposed data for proposals)
• Research design (include the estimating equation here)
• Findings/results (hypothesized based on prior literature if doing a proposal)
• Conclusion
Include as many additional pages for tables, figures, and references (APA-style) as necessary. The data analysis or grant proposal must use one of the five major causal inference methods discussed in class:
• Randomized controlled trial (or naturally occurring lottery)
• Difference-in-differences
• Regression discontinuity
• Instrumental variables
• Fixed effects or matching
All structured abstracts must supply a reason why their chosen approach will generate a causal effect, typically in the Research Design section. This especially important for papers using matching or IV since the structural framework of matching and IV are not necessarily causal. Matching, without this causal reasoning, buys us little more than regression with controls. Matching is not an appropriate causal technique unless you can make an argument that the comparisons it makes are the appropriate causal comparisons (see the Dale and Krueger papers for an example of this).
Students write a structured abstract that is a proposal for how to conduct a quantitative evaluation of an educational policy or program using one of the five methodologies discussed in class. This assignment is analogous to writing a grant proposal, with students seeking to motivate a funder to supply the resources for them to conduct the project (for an example of this, see: https://www.srf.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/2014- Universal-Proposal-Template.pdf but note that you do not need to go into details about logistics – budget, personnel, etc.—for this assignment).
The proposal could be about the analysis of extant data (administrative or federal) or about the collection of new data or the implementation of an experiment. The proposed project has to be a realistic one (i.e., you can’t invent data); however, it can require a budget or the collection of new data. For example, you could propose an RCT that would involve collecting survey or test data from subjects.