Provide some examples of foods you consumed in each group How could you adjust your diet to better meet the recommendation?

This is not tracked by MFP so you will need to use your textbook, the My Plate diagram you filled out during chapter 2, and/or choose my For each of the 5 food groups (you may ignore oils), look at the foods you consumed on each of your 3 days of diet tracking and separate them into food groups. Then discuss the following for each food group:
According to My Plate, what is your daily recommendation?
Did you meet the recommendation (3 day average) for someone of your age/gender?
Provide some examples of foods you consumed in each group
How could you adjust your diet to better meet the recommendation? BE SPECIFIC. Don’t just say “I will eat more fruit.” What type? How much? For what meal? Give realistic suggestions that you could implement in the future.
For protein and veggies: My Plate recommends variety (animal and plant proteins, different colors of veggies). Discuss this as you assess your current intake and necessary changes
For grains: My Plate recommends that at least 50% of your grains are whole grains. Discuss this as you assess your current intake and necessary changes

Energy Balance:
On the app: select “more” “nutrition” “calories” and view the 3 days you tracked your diet
On the website: select “reports” “charts” “calories” (NOT “net calories”) and view the 3 days you tracked your diet
Answer the following questions about your average kcal intake and body weight:
What is your daily kcal recommendation? What was your 3 day average kcal intake? How did it compare to your recommendation?
Using your 3 day average, calculate your energy balance. (NOTE: your “energy out” is represented by your daily kcal recommendation, as this is the amount you should consume to replenish what you burned)
What would happen to your body weight if you maintained this energy balance over the long-term?