Unit 6 discusses fear appeals, and the criteria for successful fear appeals. These two ads are WWII propaganda and are examples of successful fear appeals. With clear references to the criteria for fear appeals discussed in this unit, what makes these posters work for scaring their audience?

WWII 1. Unit 6 discusses fear appeals, and the criteria for successful fear appeals. These two ads are WWII propaganda and are examples of successful fear appeals. With clear references to the criteria for fear appeals discussed in this unit, what makes these posters work for scaring their audience? 2. Go to the website below … Read more

Write a 2-page research paper about the 50s and remember to include at least 2 references.

50s The 50s were a major stepping stone in the advertising world, with WWII still fresh in the memory of the people, society was hopeful, cheerful and very enthusiastic for the future. Research the 1950s. What elements were mostly used ? Where did companies advertised the most? What products or services? Look at the psychology … Read more

Comparative Analysis: choose an historical event after WWII then describe the event from in an ‘official’ or ‘neutral’ way.

Comparative Analysis. Choose an historical event after WWII. It can be one covered in class or one of your choosing: 1. Describe the event from in an ‘official’ or ‘neutral’ way. 2. Describe the event from each group’s perspective. 3. Explain how the perspectives are different and why. 4. Comment on the significance of perspective … Read more