Whitman : Choose a poem or section of a poem and, for the first section, write a few sentences saying what the poem says.

Whitman Each response should consist of two sections of writing that total roughly 250 words. INSTRUCTION: Choose a poem or section of a poem and, for the first section, write a few sentences saying what the poem says. Then the second section explain how the poet’s language impacts the meaning and feeling of the poem.

With regard to democratic values, what justification can be offered for Whitman’s long lines, his lack of rhyme, his abundant catalogs and enumerations? How have other modern American arts, besides poetry, expressed these values?

Whitman’s “Democratic Vistas” can be read for guidance on Whitman’s voice as well as his aspirations as a bard. Read aloud one of the emotionally charged and prophetic paragraphs—for example, the one beginning “Then still the thought returns,” and then choose a passage from Song of Myself that picks up on similar sound sand rhetorical … Read more