Does the website list contact information for the author or organization (e-mail address, mailing address, phone number) so you can verify the person or organization really exists by trying to contact them?

Description Before you begin this essay you will need to read “Evaluating Internet Research Sources” by Robert Harris (Links to an external site.) For this essay, you will select a website that discusses a current controversial issue that you are interested in. You cannot use Wikipedia. You will need to clearly identify the title … Read more

Connecting logistics and financial performance: write a report on the contributions of logistics activities to a company’s overall business performance.

Connecting Logistics and Financial Performance write a report on the contributions of logistics activities to a company’s overall business performance. Select any publicly traded company. Research this company’s website and relevant business documentation to evaluate the company’s performance and profit models, such as inventory turnover, return on assets, or other models that the company uses … Read more