Write a 500-600 word research paper reflecting on your learning experience in the course and where you are on your journey or becoming a “college-level writer as described above.

A4  Argument Essay (15%)  Reflection The ability to write clearly and coherently using standard language to share informed views on a given topic is a crucial skill for college students. Consider the goals and outcomes of the Written Communication course as stated in the syllabus and also what you have learned or unlearned so far … Read more

Find and report on a website or web advertisement that meets the criteria for quack information.

Watch this short video first and jot down the five signs/indicators of How to Spot a Quack. https://youtu.be/cPkD4KwNH-g Page 500 – 501 of the assigned chapter reading speaks about nutrition misinformation in advertising. Watch this short video first and jot down the five signs/indicators of How to Spot a Quack. After watching the video, make … Read more

Describe where you believe the profession of social work will be going in the next five to 10 years, as it pertains to the Grand Challenge you chose, based on relevant information sources in this area.

Choose one of these Challenges that you identify with and use it as the foundation for your statement on the profession of social work and its future. SOCW 200: Expectations and Hope for the Future of Social Work (10%) This assignment is designed to help you think about how you envision the role of social … Read more

What are the differences between statutory and GAAP accounting and explain pillars of the statutory accounting principles?

SAMA is the institution responsible for  regulating and monitoring the insurance market in Saudi Arabia and supervising companies operating in the sector. Acct 424 Insurance accounting Assignment Question(s): Q1. Differentiate between conventional insurance and takeful system in no less than five items. (3 Marks) Q2. What are the differences between statutory and GAAP accounting and … Read more

EBP : Post EBP a description of the healthcare organization website you reviewed. Describe where, if at all, EBP appears.

EBP Review the Resources and reflect on the definition and goal of EBP. Choose a professional healthcare organization’s website (e.g., a reimbursing body, an accredited body, or a national initiative). Explore the website to determine where and to what extent EBP is evident. Post EBP a description of the healthcare organization website you reviewed. Describe … Read more

Review and research the website for the organization to locate an article that focuses on a problem or issue that needs to be solved.

Rough draft Review and research the website for the organization to locate an article that focuses on a problem or issue that needs to be solved. Include a balance of logical, ethical, and emotional support to show strong use of critical thinking, and avoid the use of faulty logic in this problem-solution type of persuasive … Read more

Create a business plan and a website for a new Latin/Spanish language TV Station or a new Latin Cafe/Restaurant.

Create a business plan and a website for a new Latin/Spanish language TV Station or a new Latin Cafe/Restaurant.  8 pages Min excluding your abstract page and references page. All type must be double spaced. Paragraph indentations are required. Citations in the written text of the work and references at the end of the paper. … Read more