Positive NPV : Identify and describe a long-term investment project (either real or fictional) that would likely require significant capital commitment.

Positive NPV Financial managers may rationalize that it is in their immediate interest to invest in short-term projects because they bring the most shareholder benefits; this is, in other words, the so-called agency problem. However, what could be the long-term consequences of that strategy? Watch the short agency problem video (7:14) below for an explanation … Read more

Capital Budgeting: Create a sensitivity analysis, a scenario analysis or a Monte Carlo Simulation for the capital budgeting project.What do you notice? 

Capital Budgeting 1) Create a sensitivity analysis, a scenario analysis or a Monte Carlo Simulation for the capital budgeting project. What do you notice? 2) Is wealth being generated by the company with this project over a period of 5 years (Hint: calculate the NPV using equal cash flows for years 1 – 4 (same … Read more

Compute the implied growth rate with the Gordon Growth model for the following &quot,dividend aristocrats&quot.

Compute the WACC of your Telsa. Complete the Excel with the Microsoft valuation. Make sure you include the following additional computations: Reinvestment rate and return on capital as computed in homework 8 for the year 2018. Sensitivity analysis of the final stock price for the terminal value, that is, compute the stock price that comes … Read more