Scenario: do you believe that you have a “social contract” with the United States, similar to that described by Socrates in the Crito

Scenario: You were arrested and charged with a serious crime that you did not commit. The fact is that you did NOT commit this crime, however, after standing trial you have been found guilty by a jury of your peers and sentenced to 15 years in prison – let’s say 10 years with good behavior! … Read more

Compare and contrast the above two views of how to be an active presence in cyberspace.

Canadian government departments were recently given the capability to carry out active cyber operations, that is actions in cyberspace that cause effects in other nations (as opposed to defensive cyber operations or cyber espionage). The process for carrying out such active cyber operations is complex and untested. The USA, on the other hand, has developed … Read more

Draft a two- to three-page vulnerability process and assessment memorandum addressing the main points of a VM process for Mercury USA.

Vulnerability Process and Assessment Memo Your boss wants you to draft a two- to three-page vulnerability process and assessment memorandum addressing the main points of a VM process for Mercury USA. You will cover the main elements of a vulnerability management process, tailored to Mercury USA’s business in the transportation sector, evaluate the Open VAS … Read more

International Management: prepare a report to take to the committee that sets out why past challenges might have occurred and what needs to be considered in appointing a new CEO in terms of their cultural competence, international management skills, and ability to lead global teams across all of its worldwide offices leading this multi-national corporation to high revenue.

International Management. Assume you are on a search committee to replace the CEO of a large multi-national corporation with its HQ in New York, USA. The corporation has encountered significant challenges with operations in Paris where there has been a high degree of resistance to change, even though the Paris office is the highest revenue … Read more

Write an essay in 300 words for a IB Grade 12 student applying to undergraduate admission in BSc computer science course at Georgia Tech University, USA.

Write an essay in 300 words for a IB Grade 12 student applying to undergraduate admission in BSc Computer Science course at Georgia Tech University, USA. Why do you want to study your chosen major specifically at Georgia Tech?

After reading the Death with Dignity Act laws from a participating state, discuss the general requirements for euthanasia eligibility.

Human Rights You will become the legal expert of Georgia (USA) and its’ interest in maintaining humans’ right to life and the autonomy which accompanies these rights. Read the following article: Chekhovska, I. V., Balynska, O. M., Blahuta, R. I., Sereda, V. V., & Mosondz, S. O. (2019). Euthanasia or palliative care: Legal principles of … Read more

Write a detailed comparison of any two listening selections : straight Up (A Powwow Song) by northern wind singers – courtesy of Arbor records USA and “Krzesany po Dwa” (“Going to the Village”)

The two songs for this essay will be, Straight Up (A Powwow Song) by Northern Wind Singers – Courtesy of Arbor Records USA and “Krzesany po Dwa” (“Going to the Village”), performed by the Twinkle Brothers band and the Trebunia-Tutka family band.  Instructions. Write a detailed comparison of any two listening selections : straight Up … Read more

Select any nation and compare it to USA.what are the differences and similarities between the selected nation and the USA?

Hofstede Analysis Comparison between the USA and “…” Overview The purpose of this research project is  to write a professional, graduate-level research paper in current APA format. Competency in current APA format is required of all Business graduates of Liberty University, as set forth by policy of both the graduate faculty and the administration. Instructions … Read more