What is the terrorist group most likely to strike within the United States in the next five years?What method or means will this group probably use to carry out the attack and what is the most effective means of countering the attack?

Near-Term Future of Terrorism in the United States What is the terrorist group most likely to strike within the United States in the next five years? What method or means will this group probably use to carry out the attack and what is the most effective means of countering the attack? (double-spaced). At least four … Read more

Cardiovascular Disease and Lifestyle Project : Research and discuss the causes of cardiovascular disease and its relationship to diet and exercise.

Cardiovascular Disease and Lifestyle Project Cardiovascular disease is the cause of death in the United States. One reason is the lack of commitment to heart healthy lifestyle. Your lifestyle is not only your best defense against heart disease, it’s also your responsibility. Research and discuss the causes of cardiovascular disease and its relationship to diet … Read more

What are the impact of mental detectors on student achievement in secondary school in United states.

METAL DETECTORS What are the impact of mental detectors on student achievement in secondary school in United states. Instructions •Provide five current articles within the last five years on the impacts of metal detectors in secondary school in the U.S. •At least 150 words per article.    

Risk Communications : What is the WHO recommended age for measles vaccination in developing countries? Why is the recommended age for vaccination different in the United States?

Risk Communications This case study is based on an investigation by Philip Landrigan, EIS ’70. The investigation is described in: Landrigan PJ.Epidemic measles in a divided city. JAMA 1972; 221: 567–570. This case study was original developed by Philip Landrigan, Lyle Conrad and John Witte in 1971. The current version was updated by Richard Dicker … Read more

Discuss/debate your position on which factors you feel play a greater role pertaining to the problems associated with drugs and crime in the United States.

Crime & Drugs Discuss/debate your position on which factors you feel play a greater role pertaining to the problems associated with drugs and crime in the United States. Discuss possible solutions to the problems of illegal drug use and present a drug-control strategy that you believe would work. Defend your recommendations citing studies and/or other … Read more

How is geography important in helping elementary children understand and appreciate their roles and responsibilities in an increasingly complex, global community?

Dynamics How is geography important in helping elementary children understand and appreciate their roles and responsibilities in an increasingly complex, global community? In a pluralistic society such as the United States, celebrations and holidays present many challenges and opportunities for elementary school teachers. What is at the center of public schools’ position on these issues? Select … Read more

Cultural Considerations Resource : Explain cultural considerations that counselors should account for when working with a client from each of the following groups:

Cultural Considerations Resource. Explain cultural considerations that counselors should account for when working with a client from each of the following groups (100-150 words each): Immigrants (Documented and Undocumented) Refugees Discuss the cultural issues and trends that specifically apply to each of the following regional population groups of the United States (100-150 words each): The … Read more

Opioid Addiction : Discuss what three factors do you think have contributed to the opioid epidemic in the United States?

Opioid Addiction In your required readings, you learned that the opioid epidemic continues to be a major public health problem in the United States. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), opioid addiction has contributed significantly to overdose deaths. In fact, all U.S. overdose deaths involving opioids increased to more than … Read more

Briefly explain the history of jails in the United States, how they have evolved and the role they play in the Criminal Justice system.

Jails represent a very important part of the criminal justice system that often times is overlooked. Briefly explain the history of jails in the United States, how they have evolved and the role they play in the Criminal Justice system. Explain why you feel jails do not receive the same emphasis as prisons. Outline the … Read more

How well suited was the American Way of War for fighting the limited wars that the nation has fought since 1945? What are the implications of your answer for today’s military professionals?

Military Write a double spaced, 10-12 page argumentative essay on the topic in section “c” below. Regardless of page length, all essays are due by COB 7 March 2022. The essay will include documentation in the form of end notes or footnotes (but not in-text citations). The expectation is graduate level work and developing an … Read more