Accounting but investment module: Write a 4000-word report giving advice to your client regarding investing in the UK.

Accounting but investment module You are an investment manager working for Pro Investors Investment Company. You have been approached by a new client who wants to make a long-term £1m investment. The client thinks the economic and investment environment may have changed due to Covid-19, and they are not sure whether to invest in the … Read more

Greensill: How a lightly regulated UK firm can generate substantial potential losses?

Greensill Greensill was a provider of supply chain financing which filled bankruptcy in 2021Greensill was a private equity owned firm that offered supply chain financing .Most of its funding came from one global bank, via a fund offering sold to wealth management clients. Some funding came from a small bank in Germany By Frank Student, … Read more

Critically review the role of commercial and investment Banks in the UK during the Covid 19 pandemic.

Critically review the role of Commercial and Investment Banks in the UK during the Covid 19 pandemic. Your review should include comparative performances between Commercial & Investment Bank and other UK banks that do not include a substantial investment banking division.

Corporate governance: evaluate the corporate governance failures and weaknesses that have led to problems of the chosen company (HSBC) and the consequences of weak corporate governance experienced.              

Corporate governance Evaluate the corporate governance failures and weaknesses that have led to problems of the chosen company (HSBC) and the consequences of weak corporate governance experienced.                                                         … Read more

Research and write about the Energy Justice and Offshore Oil Pollution in Nigeria and UK .

Research and write about the Energy Justice and Offshore Oil Pollution in Nigeria and UK . Should include: 1. Introduction: Background to the Research Problem 2. Research Question 3. Method 4. Theoretical Perspective 5. Sample of Literature Review ( 6000 words) 6. Research Contribution 7. Research Limitation 8. Conclusion

Critically analyze the role of the auditor and the role of the board of directors in the preparation of financial statements and the prevention of fraud.examine the actions taken by the regulatory authorities and the government in the UK in response to these scandals.

Accounting is the collection, summarization and communication of a firm’s financial information for the management, stakeholders, individuals and others to help them make sound financial decisions. However, following a series of recent financial scandals , the true and fair view of financial information disclosed to the public has been 1 questioned. Regulators and governments have … Read more

Colorectal cancer: why do think rates for males have been falling?what factors might be influencing the incidence of this disease.

Colorectal cancer Over 100 people are diagnosed with bowel cancer every day in the UK ; males and females are equally affected and the incidence is highest in the older adult (>85y) age group; however, rates have been falling in males over the past decades (CRUK, 2021) Why do think rates for males have been … Read more

Critically reflect on your own knowledge and values regarding diverse cultures and the implications for social work practice

Critically reflect on your own knowledge and values regarding diverse cultures and the implications for social work practice Demonstrate the diverse communities in Britain and effective social wprl practice with individiuals from these communities Explore the challenges and opportunities presented by migration in relation to social work in the UK. Understand and analyse a range … Read more