Concession Refutation–Who’s to Blame : write a concession refutation paragraph for your essay #2

Concession Refutation–Who’s to Blame 1.Access the ( CONCESSION REFUTATION GUIDE) as a reference and guide . 2.Write a concession refutation paragraph for your Essay #2 3.Make sure your concession disagrees with or goes against one part of your thesis about who is to blame for Angie’s gambling addiction .Who might disagree with one of your … Read more

How has this unit/topic changed your perspective of this people group or topic?

1.If you were summarizing the information you have learned about the selected topic to someone not familiar with this topic, what would be the most important elements that you would share? 2. How has this unit/topic changed your perspective of this people group or topic? 3. In regards to the topic you selected, what do … Read more