Write a concise paper that integrates the course content with your views

Examine different approaches to counseling. Over the course of the semester, we will examine different approaches to counseling. At this point, you should be developing your personal style, point of view, and approach to counseling. These will help determine the theoretical approach that best fits your counseling style and needs. For this assignment, you will … Read more

Why did you select the article as significant and related to this literature review?

Provide the sentences you created for step 1 and 2. Then insert your keyword analysis table along with an explanation of your findings. The document linked below assists with your database analysis and is needed for you to complete the information listed below under the headings. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQFXfUtCzRXdE83MbjdFpMSTlYbWqvov6lmcJ-J9lZgDyW6b3HwMdj5FWx1lbdw1Q/pub Links to an external site. Following the steps … Read more

Select one shot (drawing or film still) or two consecutive shots and analyze it/them in relation to a key aspect of one of the following approaches studied

Psycho 1960 Version: Shot analysis in relation to one critical or theoretical approach Shot analysis in relation to one critical or theoretical approach. Select one shot (drawing or film still) or two consecutive shots and analyze it/them in relation to a key aspect of one of the following approaches studied: formalism/neoformalism, dialectical montage, Kino-truth (Kino-eye), … Read more