Develop an evidence-based argument that supports the claim that humans have and continued to gain inspiration from nature in developing and improving flight technology.

Technology Question 1 Develop an evidence-based argument that supports the claim that humans have and continued to gain inspiration from nature in developing and improving flight technology. Question 2 Applying published scientific research along with concepts involved in the evolution of birds, bio-aerial locomotion, and the basic principles of flight, develop an evidence-based argument that … Read more

How did the use of technology, like social media, help influence the diffusion (spread) of Tunisia’s Arab Spring?

Technology Watch the videos attached below. How did the use of technology, like social media, help influence the diffusion (spread) of Tunisia’s Arab Spring? Years later, what has been some of the positive & negative aspects of this revolution that started in Tunisia & eventually had spread across the Middle East?

Provide a reflective journal paper based on innovation project experience.

Social and Green Innovation Provide a reflective journal paper based on innovation project experience. It should involve the development of an innovative solution to a social/environmental challenge following the innovation process and design thinking approach. The potential solution may include an innovative product, service, process, procedure or technology. The suggested areas to explore in the … Read more

Identify the emerging technology, practice, or process that will be the subject of your white paper, and then review at least three works that have been written about your subject in the past five years.

WHITE PAPER SCENARIO You have recently been hired to work in your current field of study. Your new manager has informed you that the organization values innovation and asks that new employees write a white paper on an emerging technology, practice, or process in the field they studied in college. Once your manager reviews and … Read more