Essentials of Technical Communication : What kinds of documents will you create as a professional in your field? Which of these kinds of documents will need to include illustrations?

Essentials of Technical Communication Read Chapter 6, in The Essentials of Technical Communication and then consider the following questions. What kinds of documents will you create as a professional in your field? Which of these kinds of documents will need to include illustrations? What kinds of illustrations will you need for these documents? In what … Read more

Write a set of instructions in which you explain to a specific audience how to perform a procedure. Think of a process that involves multiple steps and multiple groups of steps and that will require warnings. Look for more challenging topics than changing flat tires or washing dishes.

The Essentials of Technical Communication Before you begin this assignment, make sure you have read and thought about Chapters 4, 5, and 10 in The Essentials of Technical Communication Write a set of instructions in which you explain to a specific audience how to perform a procedure. Think of a process that involves multiple steps … Read more