Write an informative report in memo format that discusses the findings from your Occupational Outlook research and interview(s).

Informative report Research a career or position in which you’re interested. Not only will you learn about the position itself, but also its desired requirements for the ideal candidate, salary information and more. 1. Visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook website at https://www.bls.gov/ooh/ (Links to an external site.) and use the search box … Read more

Write a 1-2 page, single spaced paper analyzing a piece of media using the guidelines below.

Statistics. Interpret and validate statistics presented to the general population via the media. Find an example of statistics in the media. This could be a newspaper article, magazine article, a segment from a news broadcast or a digital news article. Below are some guidelines/questions you may use to structure your paper. Total length should be … Read more

Explain how you currently use statistics and analytics in your current role/job?

Statistics and analytics. All of us in our respected fields use statistics and analytics differently. As coaches, we take the information at our exposure to make the tough decisions to successfully put our teams in the best position to win the pitch, shot, play or ultimately win the game. At times this can be overwhelming … Read more

Relations Between Two Variables : What statistics are strongly correlated. Select two of those statistics, perform statistical analyses to see if the results confirm your hypothesis.

Relations Between Two Variables Explore statistics of NBA players in season 2021-2022 on NBA website(https://www.nba.com/stats/leaders/). What statistics are strongly correlated. Select two of those statistics, perform statistical analyses to see if the results confirm your hypothesis. Explain the statistical concepts, how did you perform the analyses, what statistical result did you get, and what does … Read more

Do you agree with the authors that statistics is important? Why? Feel free to provide your own examples of a valuable statistical study.

Statistics First download and read the article “Using Real-World Examples to Enhance the Relevance of the Introductory Statistics Course” by Friedman, Friedman and Amoo. Download it HERE or http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfmabstract_id=2129750 Here is the link: https://deliverypdf.ssrn.com/delivery.php?ID=672090112009084087104116091017083076109025046003043075006119076007098114064111115095098106127035013015098003068066118100026106051055086041049115123065026087015073047048085002030002125099114096007109070112114117107000019071015003092107064098113029001&EXT=pdf&INDEX=TRUE Write a critique of the paper. Do you agree with the authors that statistics is important? Why? Feel free to provide … Read more

Construct a scientific research proposal that addresses a healthcare administration issue.

Construct a scientific research proposal that addresses a healthcare administration issue. This is a 5-6 page, APA paper. Include at least 6 sources, one of which must be the textbook. Your paper will have the following sections: Abstract (or Introduction) – describe the healthcare administration issue that you are addressing with your project. What is … Read more

Discuss the statistics regarding mountain lion, wolf, and bear attacks on humans?what do you think can be done to help mitigate the negative effects of media portrayals of nature for children and adolescents

Discuss the statistics regarding mountain lion, wolf, and bear attacks on humans?What do you think can be done to help mitigate the negative effects of media portrayals of nature for children and adolescents? Reformat the template to be Times New Roman 12 and double-spaced.