Log into SPSS, create specific variables, code the variables correctly given the types of each variable, input data, and run descriptive statistics demonstrating your ability to do basic essentials of data entry, refinement, and analysis.

Basics of SPSS Assignment Log into SPSS, create specific variables, code the variables correctly given the types of each variable, input data, and run descriptive statistics demonstrating your ability to do basic essentials of data entry, refinement, and analysis.

What is the mean weight change for each of the three weight loss program groups? What is the F test statistic value from the ANOVA that you performed in SPSS?

Dataset Information. You are a researcher examining the effect of different weight loss programs on change in weight after four months. You obtain a sample of 150 total patients, all similar ages, who are seeking to lose weight for health reasons with the approval and oversight of their primary care physician. These patients choose to … Read more

Correlational study : Design a correlational study, groups will need two variables with at least five sets of data. between these two variables: time spent playing video games and aggression.

Correlational study Design a correlational study, groups will need two variables with at least five sets of data. between these two variables: time spent playing video games and aggression. 1. Create a hypothesis for the group’s study. Consider the hypothesis and how the group will define operationally and measure the variables. 2. Describe how the … Read more

Using SPSS you have graphically represented data from a dataset, performed descriptive and inferential statistical analysis  and drawn conclusions about models of tip-of-the-tongue states based on the data provided.

A formal record of an experiment comprised of a discussion of objectives, procedures, and results. Using SPSS you have graphically represented data from a dataset, performed descriptive and inferential statistical analysis  and drawn conclusions about models of tip-of-the-tongue states based on the data provided. (1500 words) Points to consider for the write-up Abstract: Concise summary … Read more

Research project using SPSS : Choose one of the following research questions and compose a 2000 word report on the chosen question.

Research project using SPSS Choose one of the following research questions and compose a 2000 word report on the chosen question : a) Does the frequency and type of protein rich food consumption vary depending on eating pattern (meat eater v non-meat eater) Using the data provided, examine questions such as: What are the main … Read more

Subgroup Comparison: create a frequency distribution for the AGE variable.

Subgroup Comparison Complete the following tasks: Use the Split File function in SPSS to compare groups based on the variable COMPUSE. You can choose either approach that I describe in the tutorial video (“Compare groups” or “Organize output by groups”). The output looks slightly different but either approach will produce the same information. •Create a … Read more

Explain the most common text mining methods that can be used in business with real world examples.

Using the smile_clinic.csv provided in conjunction with SPSS give a specific example of clustering. Show your workings with screenshots and explain you results. Explain the most common text mining methods that can be used in business with real world examples.                               … Read more

Using the British Social Attitudes data set called ‘assoc2013.sav’, create a contingency table in SPSS that allows you to explore the association between age and attitudes towards same sex sexual relations. layer this table by sex so that you can look at the association separately for men and women.

Using the British Social Attitudes data set called ‘assoc2013.sav’, create a contingency table in SPSS that allows you to explore the association between age and attitudes towards same sex sexual relations. Layer this table by sex so that you can look at the association separately for men and women. The variable homosex asks whether the … Read more

BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS STATISTICS: create SPSS output showing the Levene’s Test for equality variances.

BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS STATISTICS Step 1: Write Section 1 of the DAA: The Data Analysis Plan Name the variables used in this analysis and whether they are categorical or continuous. State a research question for the independent samples t-test. Step 2: Write Section 2 of the DAA: Testing Assumptions Test for one of the assumptions of t-tests – … Read more