What are the advantages and disadvantages of changing the company organization from a partnership to a corporation?

Research Paper Provide an evaluation of the following in a paper: What are the advantages and disadvantages of changing the company organization from a partnership to a corporation? What are the advantages and disadvantages of changing the company organization from a sole proprietorship to a corporation? Provide a recommendation when a company should move away … Read more

Differentiate between matters of law and matters of ethics in business situations Scenario

Differentiate between matters of law and matters of ethics in business situations Scenario A few years ago Clare Applewood started a small outdoor equipment business called Mountain Top View. The company is a sole proprietorship. The company began as a single storefront and has grown rapidly to include online ordering through the company website. The … Read more

Discuss what interests you about the two organizations. Your discussion must include: points of curiosity that led you to select each business for this Inquiry Rationale Paper

Career and Business Inquiry Rationale (50 points): Students will select two businesses to research. The businesses should be organizations which you have an interest or desire to work for. You will conduct internet-based research to collect initial information and data about the businesses to develop company profiles. In addition, you will identify roles/areas of focus … Read more