In Sherry Turkle’s piece “Always-On/Always-On-You: The Tethered Self” she posits that we are immersed in a new form of sociality, a changing communal space that comes from our increasing reliance on our devices. With this comes a new understanding of intimacy and need for validation. In “Generation Like” we see young adults seeking the external validation their constant presence online creates, with little understanding of the implications on their internal sense of self. In this prompt, discuss the ways in which this progression is changing the landscape of our society as we are increasingly reliant on our devices and what we are offered through our online immersion. Hints: Think about selfies and why they are taken and”.

Influencers In Sherry Turkle’s piece “Always-On/Always-On-You: The Tethered Self” she posits that we are immersed in a new form of sociality, a changing communal space that comes from our increasing reliance on our devices. With this comes a new understanding of intimacy and need for validation. In “Generation Like” we see young adults seeking the … Read more

Discuss the ways in which this progression is changing the landscape of our society as we are increasingly reliant on our devices and what we are offered through our online immersion.

English 102 Prompts •Essay will be approximately 3 pages in length, double spaced and proper MLA formatting with internal citations. •Demonstrate the ability to quote, paraphrase, summarize, and cite sources correctly. •Source material will be the course readings (Mary Louise Pratt’s “Arts of the Contact Zone”, Sherry Turkle’s “The Tethered Self” and Michel Foucault’s piece … Read more