Poverty : Compose a short essays addressing frameworks for analyzing social problems or social problems.

Poverty. Compose a short essays addressing frameworks for analyzing social problems or social problems. In the essay include: a. Define or summarize the social problem. b. Identify credible social science data that helps to understand what the problem is about or the larger implications of the problem. c. Identify a sociological theory that helps explain … Read more

What makes insider claimsmakers effective and how do they frame issues so that outsider claimsmakers are thwarted in their attempts to gain ownership of the issue at hand?

How do insider claimsmakers operate? First, read chapter 4 of Joel Best’s Social Problems and then watch the attached video. Then answer the following questions: •How are environmental and economic problems shaped by insider claimsmakers? •What makes insider claimsmakers effective and how do they frame issues so that outsider claimsmakers are thwarted in their attempts … Read more

Social Problems or Issues in Indianapolis: Identify and research a social problem or issue in Indianapolis that you care about and write a paper detailing what you would do to address that problem if you were the mayor.

Social Problems or Issues in Indianapolis Identify and research a social problem or issue in Indianapolis that you care about and write a paper detailing what you would do to address that problem if you were the mayor. (all of this should take about 1-2 pages maximum) Present and discuss your own ideas and proposals … Read more