Drawing on your autobiographical interview, discuss how an intersectional lens might help you understand your own biography and contribute to your future practice as a social worker.

Social Policy and Sociology We learn what intersectionality does and does not do by asking those who are actually using it, by those who have utilised openings to make certain things possible that might not have been possible prior to the broadening of the conception of discrimination. (Crenshaw, 2016). Drawing on your autobiographical interview, discuss … Read more

Critically analyse and evaluate an example from your own practice that, during your placement, involved working with risk of harm and safeguarding with a service service user, carer, family or group.

Critically analyse and evaluate an example from your own practice that, during your placement, involved working with risk of harm and safeguarding with a service service user, carer, family or group. Explain the purpose of your placement setting, identifying its social policy and legislative context and evaluating its effectiveness. Discuss how you gained an understanding … Read more