Explore ways in which a selected community or communities have used social media and how it has been effective in a variety of ways.

Social media used for social change. Indigenous peoples have adopted social media platforms to great effect in their communities. Explore ways in which a selected community or communities have used social media and how it has been effective in a variety of ways. What forms of older media and traditional knowledge have been remediated by … Read more

Consider the utility of Twitter, Facebook, or similar social media vehicles. Using 140 characters or less, develop a social media hash tag that will promote public health awareness and increase local health communication efforts.

Public health awareness Consider the utility of Twitter, Facebook, or similar social media vehicles. Using 140 characters or less, develop a social media hash tag that will promote public health awareness and increase local health communication efforts. Provide a brief explanation of the campaign aims and target audience.

Write essay summarizing a range of key academic and practitioner information sources, critically analyze them and demonstrate how you have synthesised the articles in relation to complex debates within the above topic.

THE RISE OF SOCIAL MEDIA HAS FORCED AIRLINES TO ADAPT THE WAY THEY MARKET THEMSELVES AND THEIR PRODUCTS. Submit an essay of 5,000 words (+/- 10%) The Essay has two parts as follows: 1. Write essay summarizing a range of key academic and practitioner information sources, critically analyze them and demonstrate how you have synthesised … Read more

Write a persuasive essay for publication in your former high school’s newspaper in which you offer high school students advice on sustaining and maintaining emotional well-being or contentment in the digital age, specifically in the fast-moving world of Social Media.

Sustaining and maintaining emotional well-being or contentment in the digital age Write a persuasive essay for publication in your former high school’s newspaper in which you offer high school students advice on sustaining and maintaining emotional well-being or contentment in the digital age, specifically in the fast-moving world of Social Media. Draw upon your own … Read more

Looking back at your social media experiment from the week, how did your responses go? Did you notice any differences among groups or countries? What stereotypes did people comment on?

Social media During this module, you were to do an experiment using your own social media (Module 03 Activity). Looking back at your social media experiment from the week, how did your responses go? Did you notice any differences among groups or countries? What stereotypes did people comment on? Write at least 3 pages answering … Read more

Use “The Veldt”, Nosedive to explain how each uses technology as a warning to the readers. Use examples from the texts along with outside sources to support your argument.

  Living With the Internet/Social Media 1. Use “The Veldt”, Nosedive to explain how each uses technology as a warning to the readers. Use examples from the texts along with outside sources to support your argument. 2. In “The Veldt”, we discussed the parents and how they were not very involved with the lives of … Read more