What social group is the ad intended for? What social groups are represented in the advertisement?

Deconstructing the world around us. 1.What social group is the ad intended for? What social groups are represented in the advertisement? 2. Does the advertisement reinforce or violate social norms? Explain. 3. In addition to the product or service, what is the ad selling? Think about the time of day the commercial is running and … Read more

Write an essay in which you identify and define yourself as belonging to a particular social group or being in one particular type of people.

Social Group. Write an essay in which you identify and define yourself as belonging to a particular social group or being in one particular type of people. Explain what you mean to be a particular type of people you might explain what it means for example for you to be a musician, an athlete, an … Read more

Identify a social group , organization, or industry.drawing on insights and examples from the readings, describe how its activities may contribute to deviance.

Use the below text as your reference. Adler, Patricia A., and Peter. 2016. Constructions of Deviance: Social Power, Context, and Interaction. 8th edition.Boston, MA: Cengage.ISBN-13: 978-1305093546. Identify a social group , organization, or industry . Drawing on insights and examples from the readings, describe how its activities may contribute to deviance.