How has this shaped the understanding of what it means to be gendered and sexed by media?

This essay will be about Drawing interests in the intersections of gender, sexuality, race, and media. Questions to stimulate your topic selection: What types of messages do you receive about sex and gender roles from media? Is it possible to avoid them? How? How has this shaped the understanding of what it means to be … Read more

How does Smith explain that the term “sexuality” or “sexuality studies” is significant in women’s studies?

How has the internet been useful to women, according to Smith Study guide In general, each response should be at least five sentences long and include all relevant citations. Your response should also include any relevant examples and demonstrate that you are familiar with the concept discussed in the prompt. consult with your instructor to … Read more

How would the presenting issue be conceptualized from this perspective?What would be the target of intervention?

Case Study In this unit, you read about several different approaches to the treatment process with sexuality- and gender-related issues. Adapt and apply an approach of your choice to the following case study. Be sure to focus on the treatment planning phase of the process and how that would be conceptualized and implemented from your … Read more

After reading and viewing the Looking through a Cultural Lens and Looking Through a Gender- or Sexuality-Based Lens pages, answer up to three questions related to your chosen theory/theories(see below) to discuss your dramatic selection.

 Culture, Gender, or Sexuality by examining critical questions. Part 1. After reading and viewing the Looking through a Cultural Lens and Looking Through a Gender- or Sexuality-Based Lens pages, answer up to three questions related to your chosen theory/theories(see below) to discuss your dramatic selection. Be sure to provide evidence (passages from the play, script, … Read more

Identify a crisis intervention associated with that population and analyze on ex. Abused children, violence against women, violence based on sexuality, school-based crises, sexual assault.

Children Of Addicted Parents Identify a crisis intervention associated with that population and analyze on ex. Abused children, violence against women, violence based on sexuality, school-based crises, sexual assault. The paper should be typed, and should be proof-read, spell-checked, use a 12-size font, 1” margins, and double-spaced.

Discuss how each film addresses the core themes of the genre, detective solves the case,represent a specific trend in the genre and how it connects to a broader context

Black Detective Films In Hollywood detective film, the black detective is successful when they are isolated, deprived of action, and denied any romance or sexuality. Discuss how each film addresses the core themes of the genre, detective solves the case,represent a specific trend in the genre and how it connects to a broader context

Sexuality in Counseling Write on what challenges may exist as you envision yourself in the role of helper to others regarding sexual issues.What are your values pertaining to sexuality?

Sexuality in Counseling Write on what challenges may exist as you envision yourself in the role of helper to others regarding sexual issues.What are your values pertaining to sexuality? An interesting topic area for some; for others, one that should be avoided. This is true for the larger culture as well and not only for … Read more

How does the writer connect various subtopics about identity for instance, their personal identity and religious faith, or their personal identity and ethnicity?

Topic Choices: Gender, Sexuality, & Identity Readings Language, Education, & Identity Readings Ethnicity, Race, & Identity Readings Technology, Society, & Identity Readings Religion, Belief, & Identity Readings Identity in Popular Culture Readings Identity in Cultural/Global Trends Readings Here are some general questions to help as you read, take notes, and make connections: How does the … Read more

Social construct : Demonstrate an understanding of how different oppressions intertwine. Be able to give specific examples of this.

Social construct 1. Demonstrate that you know how to define gender, sex, gender identity, sexuality, and gender binary. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of how different oppressions intertwine. Be able to give specific examples of this. 3. Demonstrate an understanding of gender as a social construct over time and space. 4. Demonstrate the ability to define … Read more

Feminism : Is Lorde correct about the call for unity across difference? Do you agree with Lorde’s position? Or are women’s movements more effective only when they focus and draw on sexuality?

Feminism Essay Question: Is Lorde correct about the call for unity across difference? Do you agree with Lorde’s position? Or are women’s movements more effective only when they focus and draw on sexuality? Be sure to carefully explain Lorde’s position.