Provide rigorous and systematic analysis of the topic or community, explaining relevant discursive communities in terms of their online infrastructure, their digital culture, their demographics and social patterns and hierarchies, their rules and patterns of behavior, subcommunities within the community, tensions and faultlines and patterns of disagreement,

Remember to cite and explain the scholarship you use to analyze and explain the discourse community’s behavior and memetics. Senior seminar This paper is a semester-long research project on a topic in memetics; the finished paper will be between 15 and 25 pages in length, not including bibliography (about 4500-7500 words), will draw on at … Read more

Describe your leadership, work experience, service experience, or other significant involvement with racial, ethnic, socio-economic, or educational communities that have traditionally been underrepresented in higher education, and how these experiences would promote a diversity of views, experiences, and ideas in the pursuit of research, scholarship, and creative excellence.

Describe your leadership, work experience, service experience, or other significant involvement with racial, ethnic, socio-economic, or educational communities that have traditionally been underrepresented in higher education, and how these experiences would promote a diversity of views, experiences, and ideas in the pursuit of research, scholarship, and creative excellence. Write a diversity essay that should be … Read more

 Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice: demonstrate an understanding of the basic elements of the research process and models for applying evidence to clinical practice.

 Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Demonstrate an understanding of the basic elements of the research process and models for applying evidence to clinical practice. Participate in the process of retrieval, appraisal, and synthesis of evidence in collaboration with other members of the healthcare team to improve patient outcomes. Integrate evidence, clinical judgment, interprofessional perspectives, and patient … Read more